Hey Guys!! Sorry if I haven't been posting too much lately. It's just been a busy month for me. I was supposed to post this during December but I've been keeping on putting it off for some time but now, I decided to post it already.

A Sling bag. A Tan Secosana sling bag which was given to  me by my grandmother, I chose this color because it adds a pop of color to my daily monochrome outfits. 

Tshirts/Blouses. [From left to Right] The first shirt is a Dolce and Gabbana white t-shirt which was given to me by my ninang, the second blouse is a peter pan collared navy blue sleeveless blouse which was given to me by my grandmother as well as the third shirt which is an Apple and Eve baby doll type collared light pink blouse with a vertically striped undershirt detail design in the bottom.
Ang paos. I have three which was given to me by my Parents, Uncles and Aunts.
Shower set. This was given to me by my Manito during our Christmas party and he also gave me my own umbrella which has a black and white color and Mickey Mouse details with a comic style type.

Pants. [From Left to Right] The first pants is a gift for myself, It's from the brand Forme and it's a light wash ripped pants. The second pants is from my grandmother, it's just your overall classic pants. But I am still confused it it's skinny or straight cut. The third one is another gift from myself, I bought it in Forme and it's currently my favorite pants.
Heels. This gift was given to me by my grandmother and I used it in my 18th Birthday. 
Necklace. This was given to me by @keithytowers from our Alpha Christmas Gift Exchange. {lowkey in love with it because I wanted to have one but I didn't want to be the one to buy it for me.}

Socks. This was given to me by @jms_hmy. FYI, I love Adventure Time so obviously I love the socks. 

Thanks to everyone who gave me gifts, I appreciate them very much!!!! Tbh, I love watching videos of people opening gifts or basically unboxing videos. This is the reason why I wanted to write a blog post about it. I plan on making videos in the near future. /fingers crossed/


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