SOCIETY IS TOXIC: Guys and relationships

Sorry for not posting recently, We are still having our most awaited school event which we celebrate annually.

So here goes my rant to guys or people in general who are marginalized by society into thinking that a "perfect relationship" should be between a short girl and a tall guy or couples who are exceedingly excellent in their academics or interests.

Let me tell you something I hate about how society. I hate how they portray relationships so easily, like it's such an easy topic. No, it's not. I hate how they show majority of the people that a perfect relationship between couples are posting pictures on Instagram and all that. I'm not saying it's not cute but it's not THAT important. What I want to know is what happens behind the scenes.

Guys look for girls who have one or the following: short height, smart, talented, big butt, athletic, aesthetically pleasing face and etc. It's so hard to comply all the requirements when society keeps building up the standards that shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Why can't we fall in love because we can, we want to and because it makes us happy without ever thinking "Oh? But how will the people react?" Since when did their opinion matter in making you happy? It shouldn't.

I'm happy that people are starting to accept the LGBT Community and their relationships but when a short guy and a tall girl gets together it's like the end of the world??? What even.

If you like a person and he/she is in any way better than you, that's not a reason for you to back out at all. It's a reason for you to be better and pursue them because you know you can make her happy. Happiness is what's important, don't let society deny you that opportunity.

The sad thing nowadays is that people who know they can treat other people the way they should be treated are scared of rejection that even trying is scary is that people who treat other people like shit are too confident in themselves and treat relationships like it's somewhat a game.


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