Travel Blog: Unexpected trip to Pasonanca

The day we went was on November 17. My classes started on November 15 but the 3 days was pretty useless since almost all the teacher's were a no show. So on Friday, My Aunt called me up asking if I wanted to join her with my baby cousin since it's their field trip in Pasonanca. I told her i'd give her a rain check since I had one class that day and I wasn't sure if they are going to show up so I stayed in the classroom for about 30-40 minutes and the teacher was still a no show so I replied to my Aunt saying i'll go. I was still wearing my uniform that time and she didn't mention it being like a hike or trekking. My shoes shoes were crying. Below are some pictures I took along the journey.


These shots were taken at the Aviary in Pasonanca where you can see different species of birds and eagles. There are even peacocks there!! I'm not sure if there is an entrance fee but when I want there before it costs around P5.00 to P10.00. I'm not entirely sure. The environment is so calming and quiet. A great place to take pictures if you have green as your aesthetics.



The next stop was at the Butterfly Garden. I didn't enter because when we went there it was around 4 in the afternoon and butterflies usually show up early in the morning so I recommend going there early in the morning. So while waiting for my Aunt and baby cousin, I bought some taho, which for me is a snack like beverage that is very sweet and keeps you wanting for more. The entrance fee has about the same range as the Aviary. This place is included inside the Pasonanca Park where people usually jog and take a walk in the mornings and afternoons.

The picture on the left was taken by me when we were about to go to the Zambaonga Museum. The picture on the right in the other hand is proof that I was still wearing my uniform.


3rd stop was in El Museo de Zamboanga or The Museum of Zamboanga. Inside it houses artifacts, paintings and more about the Philippine culture. The artifacts that are seen inside are owned by private companies or people and they gave their consent to display them inside. They have a storyline inside while walking through the exhibit. It's pretty amazing what you can learn.

I don't have pictures for the last place we went to which was the Science Park since my phone died but all in all, it was unexpectedly a fun day and after that we went to Myrna's Bakeshop and ate some Mac and Cheese. 


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