StuDYING in a Science High School

I was an elementary graduate in a private school and was forced by my mother to enroll in a public school, specifically a science high school. She literally did everything just so I can go to the exam day and took me to only one entrance exam and if I failed, "I will enroll you in your most hated school if you don't pass this one." she said. Typical Filipino Mom. As the test was going on, I was just reading everything and it just went like a blur. I never took it seriously and I wasn't even expecting to pass. I thought I did HORRIBLY. And the unexpected thing happened, I passed.

Mom was so happy. I wish I was too. I never wanted to leave my friends but life goes on.

I became a student of a Science High School, and it changed my life.

Before, I hated the idea that I was a student of a Science High School. All these expectations from family and friends. I had no knowledge or background about the school so everything was a first for me. I just went with the flow.

Studying in a Science High School taught me a lot of things especially in life.

1. Do not procrastinate but procrastinate. I can't remember the number of times I said in the 4 years to not procrastinate anymore but I still do. I honestly can't work in advanced. All creative juices and motivation to finish it comes when I procrastinate. Is it just me???

2. Learning to respect people. From a student in a private school, I never said Ate and Kuya to those older than me especially not po and opo. Where I came from, we were all friends since the population was small. Entering Science High got me shook. I had to say po in almost all of my sentences multiple times and it was so awkward at first. There was even a time that I forgot to say po and hell broke loose. An ate got mad at me and said I was disrespectful, I was shook again. I learned to respect people even when they didn't even deserve my respect. Oh how life is.

3. Working under pressure. People would really have high expectations from us [kasi nga Science High school puro magagaling at matatalino lang yan jan] because it's a Science High School and the students are talented and smart but they don't realize that we get tired too. All these expectations, requirements and activities and yet they still expect we produce high quality products every time. I guess this is where we develop becoming not satisfied with only okay but we do the very best that we can no matter what it takes.

4. How to look decent with eye bags. All those nights with barely any sleep, competing who got the lowest number of hours and sometimes even minutes. It’s no surprise that we would look like zombies sometimes. Who has time for make up when you have a long quiz to study for or a report to do. Acads is always life. We have seen the worst versions of ourselves but hey, at least we look decent(?) Barely living and breathing, but we look somewhat human.

5. Resiliency. Remember when we’re little kids and when we would fall and instantly cry? Well, none of that. Everyday was an obstacle and we always had mountains of things to do and giving up or not doing it was not in the choices. We were trained to withstand whatever they would throw at us. And I mean WHATEVER. Being strong even though you’re not. Where to get werpa po?

6. Learn to say no but still saying yes. Saying no is the worse thing you could ever to especially to your teachers. In my heart and mind, I said no but my mouth said yes. More often than not that happens. Being forced to do something you don’t want to but not having the courage to decline. Yep, always sacrificing. Always. Yes is the new no.

7. We are waterproof, bulletproof and fireproof. Come what may, we will still have classes. So we learned to not trust other sources and directly wait for news from the school which will take about 1-2 working days. Even during our practices for a culminating event, rain or shine, we will still go. Dedication and perseverance is key to success and dying.

8. Being okay when you’re not really okay. Being sick can’t be avoided and when you don’t go to school for even one day, you missed a lot already so its a gamble. You can’t afford to be sick because every day something is happening. So you attend class even when you have a fever and suck it up because acads is life. Smile like nothing’s wrong. Smile like you’re not hurting. Smile like everything’s okay. It's not okay to not be okay.

9. Time Management. We are given 24 hours a day. But with all the requirements that we have to do and submit it’s not much. Time tables and schedules for numerous requirements, some individual and most of the time by group. It’s not 5 days a week we stay in school, it’s 7 times a week. Where will we fit eating, sleeping and breathing in the schedule? Rest days in a school year could be counted with the fingers. 8 hours of sleep is a blessing or sleep at all. Where do we get more time in a day?

10. Studying anywhere, anytime and anyplace. Studying becomes part of your routine. You learn to study while eating, in the shower, sleeping, going to school and even sleeping. Having numerous photocopies beside you because we are the pioneers of k-12. Yay to being experimented on! Not. Studying in whatever position. Studying during a party or event. StuDYING. Guinea pigs at its finest.

{ Credits to my friend Mariam for helping me make this. ♥ )


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