GTKY: The Best Questions Ever.

Credits to the Owner/s

Sorry if I haven't posted a few days ago! I've been feeling sick.
Here's a set of questions that will somehow get to know me better :)

  1.  Speaking of tumblr, I do enjoy using tumblr but the reason why I don't use it much now is because it takes too long to load for other people but I will be back there soon!! What I like to do during my spare time is watch videos on Youtube especially Zoella's Vlogs, She is so Amazing!!
  2. Food: Pizza
    Drink: Green Tea or any tea or fruit juice
    Color: for clothes it would be black, white, grey and blue but for things it's pink.
  3. If that were to happen, I would really want to make a charity or donate some to charity and maybe save the rest so I can open up a business or something. But I would spend some on clothes and make-up too, I am a girl after all.
  4. Book: Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code or Inferno
    Movie: A Walk to Remember, 10/10 would recommend if you want a movie that will touch your hearts!
    TV Show: CSI/CSI: New York or Girl Meets World
  5. It would probably be my grandfather because I miss him so much, I would want us to talk, go sightseeing, anything... as long as it's with him.
  6. Food: I hate bitter gourd so much.
    Drink: Coffee just because I don't drink it as often anymore because it kind of affected my health.
    Color: Orange. Orange!!!!
  7. It would probably be on food since i'm kind of saving and avoiding temptations to buy clothes for this year.
  8. The one that covers everything that should be covered.
  9. Book: Honestly I haven't read any book that I can categorize as my least favorite..
    Movie: Basically any horror films
    TV Show: some cartoon show I forgot
  10. Maybe ask if I could have a photo with him/her and then sleep the whole trip, I value sleep very much.
  11. A picture of myself when I was 10 years old hanging above my bed.
  12. Squeaking when something unexpected happens
  13. Apathetic just because it's something I'm not, especially when it comes to my friends or my activities.
  14. An area to relax on like a mini zen garden, Kitchen Aid equipment, A comfy sala set, A mini library and a family room.
  15. I want it to be a panda because I like Pandas and they are cute and being taken care of since they could be close to extinction.
  16. One Direction please!!! (Yes with Zayn included)
  17. Band: One Direction, since X-Factor
    Album: Ed Sheeran's X
    Song: at the moment it's How Long by Charlie Puth
  18. One Direction because I knew how they started from the auditions and the diaries, I saw them rise to fame and it makes me somewhat sad that they're doing separate things now but I would still support them.
  19. None, so I would probably want to see Paramore or Ed Sheeran's
  20. "We are surrounded by all of these lies
    And people who talk too much
    You've got that kind of look in your eyes
    As if no one knows anything but us" // Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran
  21. I ship Selena and Justin!!! #Jelana
  22. None, but I wish I could have of One Direction or Ed Sheeran
  23. X-Factor!!!!
  24. Ellen Degeneres because she is such an amazing woman and she does all these things to make people happy and I want to be able to do something like that in the future.
  25. In One Direction, it would be Harry for sure. I mean look at him!


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