I am in no way showing off or boasting what I got. I just want to thank all those people who gave me gifts even if they weren't required to do so. Oppa hearts to all of you, tbh, your presence was already enough. Nevertheless, I am blessed to have you all in my life. Staying in my life is gift enough. Hello Kitty Pillow. Tee Family || This will perfectly fit my pink bed and room. Vintage looking clock. Jerzy Hendryks Labos || Happy because I can finally replace the clock in my room that hasn't been functioning since 2016. RSHS Phoenix Jersey. || This was supposed to be given to me last year but due to unforeseen conditions, I only received it on my birthday but I ain't complaining. Stuffed toy. Jeric Cesar Enriquez || It's been so long since someone gave me a stuffed toy and this brings back memories of my other stuffed toys that aren't with me anymore. Travel kit, Compress Eyeshade, Tumbler, and Eyelash curler. SQUA (Janielle Lacandalo, ...